The elections for the DHNB board will take place between 16 February – 1 March. Our aim is to keep the DHNB community open and inclusive, and to support this goal, we are now inviting candidates to stand in the board elections.
Altogether four of the nine positions on the board are open to be filled for 3-year terms. In addition, due to e.g. board term limits, at least three of these need to be filled with new members from outside the current board.
We thus hope to find board members from different countries and branches of DH, with a common passion for advancing digital humanities in the Nordics and Baltics. The board work is based on monthly meetings and some responsibilities assigned to each board member – these are not super time consuming but we hope you would be prepared to take some of them to effectively promote our goals.
If you have questions, let us know at board (at), or, if would like to stand as a candidate, please send us a short bio and motivation!
Best regards,
On behalf of the election committee,
Veronika Laippala