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CFP: DHN2020 Post-proceedings
Accepted papers will be submitted to the CEUR-WS proceedings series for publication. This is a free open-access publication service at Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University. CEUR-WS.org is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073. The proceedings are indexed in the Scopus database.
- submission to the post-proceedings volume is open to presenting authors, including those who have their paper already published in DHN2020 Proceedings;
- all papers submitted for publishing will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers; only accepted papers will be published;
- the papers submitted for publishing should deal with the same topic that the author(-s) submitted for presenting in the DHN2020 conference;
- if the author(s) has(-ve) already published their paper in DHN2020 Proceedings, the new paper provides a minimum of 50% new content and there should be a different title;
- submission type of paper cannot be changed and it should meet the length requirements (long paper: 9–12 pages, short paper: 7–9 pages, academic poster (including late-breaking posters!): 4–6 pages; approximately 380–400 words per page);
- layout for the papers should follow the Springer LNCS templates (LaTeX2e templates (zip), MS Word templates (zip));
- the manuscript files should be submitted in the Conftool system (remove old obsolete files if necessary to free space in slots); the title of the file should include “postproceedings”;
- for peer-review, please, submit pdf files;
- for submissions of camera-ready manuscripts (after the review phase) created with LaTeX, you are required to upload your files (manuscript and supplementary material) in a compressed .zip file;
- for submissions of camera-ready manuscripts (after the review phase) created with MS Word, you are required to upload a Word file.
Important dates:
5 December 2020: deadline for submitting papers for publishing
5 February 2021: acceptance/rejection notifications
25 February 2021: camera-ready manuscripts
Inquiries: sanita.reinsone@lulfmi.lv
Call for Late-Breaking Posters!
Deadline: 13 January 2020
Summary: 1000–1500 words
SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL HERE: https://www.conftool.net/dhn2020/
The annual conference, “Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries,” invites submissions of proposals for its 5th conference to be held in Riga, Latvia, 17–20 March 2020. The DHN conferences aim to provide an overview of research, education and communication about the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities from the Nordic to the Baltic region, and beyond.
In its 5th year, the conference will focus on interdisciplinary connections and methodological links between digital humanities and digital social sciences. Striving to acknowledge productive interconnections between the disciplines, DHN2020 aims to inspire a broad consideration of knowledge sharing and debates inspired by various forms and results of interdisciplinary cooperation.
Special topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Digital humanities and data journalism, digital political and social research, digital discourse analysis and media studies. Possible cross-point areas: fake news and the spread of misinformation, semantic technologies, digital activism, digital forensics, ethical challenges in data-driven social media research, big data and media monitoring, news archives, and research data archiving
- Human-computer interaction and AI challenges in digital humanities and social sciences
- Digitally born data: web archiving, web research, web history, digital cultural heritage and folklore
- Digital approaches to studying, teaching and the revitalisation of endangered and small languages and indigenous cultures
- Digital research services in libraries, archives and museums
- Participatory research methods, citizen humanities/citizen science, crowdsourcing and communication in digital humanities and heritage studies
- Digital language resources (e.g. historical texts, parliamentary records, speech and multimodal corpora, social media data, etc.) and tools for digital humanities and social sciences (e.g. linking data across domains, media and languages).
In addition to the above-mentioned topics of interest, presentations raising discussion on practice and theory in digital humanities in relation to history, anthropology, ethnography, folkloristics, linguistics and translation studies, literary criticism, theology and cultural studies, as well as other fields are encouraged.
Types of submissions
DHN2020 invites for three types of presentations: long presentations, short presentations, and posters. For each type of presentation, a summary must be submitted, and, optionally, a publication-ready paper may also be submitted (see the table below). Accepted papers will be reviews and returned in a timely manner for revision.
Accepted papers will be submitted to the CEUR-WS proceedings series for publication. This is a free open-access publication service at Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University. CEUR-WS.org is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073. Layout for the papers should follow the Springer LNCS templates in order to ensure a uniform look for the proceedings. All accepted summaries will be published on the conference website.
Type of presentation | Type of submission |
Long presentation (20+10 min) | a) Summary 1000–1500 words b) (optional) Publication-ready long paper: at least 10–12 pages* |
Short presentation (10+5 min) | c) Summary 1000–1500 words d) (optional) Publication-ready short paper: 6–9 pages* |
Academic poster** | e) Summary 1000–1500 words f) (optional) Publication-ready paper: 4–6 pages* |
* 380–400 words per page.
** Academic posters will be given a 1-minute presentation time during the “poster slam” and exhibited in A1 size.
The proposals must be submitted using the conference’s submission system (Conftool): https://www.conftool.net/dhn2020.
If you have any questions, please contact us via email dh@lnb.lv with the text ‘DHN2020’ in the subject line.
Important dates
- 14 October 2019: deadline for submitting presentation proposals, posters and papers
- 15 December 2019: acceptance notifications
- 15 December 2019: registration opens
- 13 January 2020: deadline for submitting late-breaking poster proposals
- 15 January 2020: submission of the final version of accepted papers taking into account comments made by reviewers
In addition to individual papers, DHN2020 calls for submissions of proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held preceding the conference on March 17. Workshops bring together participants around a particular subtopic, while tutorials present a useful tool or method of interest to the digital humanities community. Workshops and tutorials can take the form of either a half- or a full-day session.
Each proposal will be reviewed by the conference program committee and ranked based on the overall quality of the proposal and the workshop’s relevance to the conference.
Please note that the duration of a workshop might need to be adjusted based on the overall number of workshop submissions received and accepted.
Proposals should include the session format (workshop or tutorial), title, and a short description of the topic (max. 1500 words) as well as the contact information of the person/s responsible. Proposals should also include the following: intended audience, approximate number of participants, and any requirements for technical equipment.
Submissions must be made by e-mail dh@lnb.lv with the text ‘DHN2020 workshop’ in the subject line.
Important dates
- 25 August 2019: deadline for submitting workshops/tutorials proposals
- 25 September 2019: notification of acceptance of workshops/tutorials
- 17 March 2020: workshop sessions
Chair: Sanita Reinsone (Latvia), sanita.reinsone@lulfmi.lv
Ilze Auziņa (Latvia)
Anda Baklāne (Latvia)
Jānis Daugavietis (Latvia)
Eva Eglāja-Kristsone (Latvia)
Koraljka Golub (Sweden)
Normunds Grūzītis (Latvia)
Olga Holownia (Iceland)
Jānis Kreicbergs (Latvia)
Sandis Laime (Latvia)
Liisi Laineste (Estonia)
Veronika Laippala (Finland)
Ditte Laursen (Denmark)
Bente Maegaard (Denmark)
Annika Rockenberger (Norway)
Inguna Skadiņa (Latvia)
Olle Sköld (Sweden)
Mikko Tolonen (Finland)
Jurgita Vaičenonienė (Lithuania)
Follow DHN2020
The conference hashtag is #DHN2020