Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022)

Workshop proceedings available at (Vol-3133):

-La Mela, M., Norén, F., & Hyvönen, E. (Eds.). (2022). Proceedings of the Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022) workshop, Uppsala, Sweden, March 15, 2022.

Errata: Correct Table 1 for: Elo, K. 2022. Debates on European Integration in the Finnish Parliament (Eduskunta) 1990-2020. In: La Mela, M., Norén, F., Hyvönen E. (eds). Proceedings of the Digital Parliamentary Data in Action (DiPaDA 2022) workshop, Uppsala, March 15, 2022.

Workshop co-located with the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Online/Hybrid
Uppsala, Sweden, March 15, 2022

Workshop organizers: Matti La Mela (, Fredrik Norén ( & Eero Hyvönen (

Recent years have seen the emergence of new digital parliamentary datasets that highlight multi-disciplinary opportunities and challenges in research. The datasets have enabled researchers to engage in novel ways in studying parliamentary culture, media, politics, and societal and cultural themes, and led to the development of new tools, curated data, and user interfaces for researchers, citizens, and media. The workshop draws together scholars across different disciplines to explore results and ongoing work on creating and using digital parliamentary data in Digital Humanities research and applications.


Workshop Programme (Tuesday 15 March)

09.00–09.10: Welcome and introduction

Welcome words by Isto Huvila, Department of ALM

Introduction by Matti La Mela, Fredrik Norén & Eero Hyvönen


09.10–10.30: Session 1: Historical perspectives and concepts

Chair: Jani Marjanen

“Between Cows and Capitalism: Measuring the Abstractness of Historical Parliamentary Speeches”

Ruben Ros (Luxembourg University)

“Using Topic Generation Model to explore the French Parliamentary Debates during the early Third Republic (1881–1899)”

Nicolas Bourgeois (Epitech) & Aurélien Pellet (Epitech), Marie Puren (Epitech, École nationale des chartes)

“The Market as a Concept in Swedish Parliamentary Records from 1867 to 1970: A Mixed Methods Study”

Claes Ohlsson (Linnæus University), VictorWåhlstrand Skärström (University of Gothenburg) & Henrik Björck (University of Gothenburg)

“Building and testing a comparative interface on Northwest European historical parliamentary debates: Relative term frequency analysis of British representative democracy”

Pasi Ihalainen (University of Jyväskylä), Berit Janssen (Utrecht University), Jani Marjanen (University of Helsinki) & Ville Vaara (University of Jyväskylä)


10.30–10.50: Break


10.50–12.10: Session 2: Data transformation and interfaces

Chair: Måns Magnusson

“From Early Modern Deliberation to the Semantic Web: Annotating Communications in the Records of the Imperial Diet of 1576”

Roman Bleier (University of Graz, Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences), Florian Zeilinger (Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences) & Georg Vogeler (University of Graz)

“Finnish Parliament on the Semantic Web: Using ParliamentSampo Data Service and Semantic Portal for Studying Political Culture and Language”

Eero Hyvönen (Aalto University, University of Helsinki), Laura Sinikallio (University of Helsinki, Aalto University), Petri Leskinen (Aalto University), Matti La Mela (University of Helsinki, Uppsala University), Jouni Tuominen (University of Helsinki, Aalto University), Kimmo Elo (University of Turku), Senka Drobac (Aalto University), Mikko Koho (Aalto University), Esko Ikkala (Aalto University), Minna Tamper (Aalto University), Rafael Leal (Aalto University) & Joonas Kesäniemi (Aalto University)

“Opening the Gates to the Dutch Republic: A Comparison between Analogue and Digital Editions of the Resolutions of the States General”

Ronald Sluijter (Huygens Institute), Joris Oddens (Huygens Institute), Rik Hoekstra (Huygens Institute), Marijn Koolen (Huygens Institute), Rutger van Koert (KNAW Humanities Cluster), Menzo Windhouwer (KNAW Humanities Cluster), Hennie Brugman (KNAW Humanities Cluster) & Femke Gordijn (Huygens Institute)

“Framing Terrorism in the Riksdag: Distant and Close Readings of the Impact of Terrorism on Swedish Parliamentary Debate 1993–2018”

Magnus P. Ängsal (University of Gothenburg), Daniel Brodén (University of Gothenburg), Mats Fridlund (University of Gothenburg), Leif-Jöran Olsson (University of Gothenburg) & Patrik Öhberg (University of Gothenburg)


12.10–13.30: Lunch


13.30–14.50: Session 3: Contemporary politics and media

Chair: Matti La Mela

“Democracy (not) on Display: A Structural Collocation Analysis of the Mother of all Parliaments’ Reluctance to Broadcast Herself”

Betto van Waarden (Lund University) & Mathias Johansson (Lund University)

“Debates on European Integration in the Finnish Parliament (eduskunta) 1990–2020”

Kimmo Elo (University of Turku)

“Contextual Modeling of ‘Propaganda’, ‘Information’, and ‘Upplysning in Swedish Parliamentary Speeches, 1920–2019”

Johan Jarlbrink (Umeå University), Fredrik Norén (Umeå University) & Robin Saberi (Uppsala University)

“Party Control and Responsiveness: How MPs Use Variation in Lower Level Institutional Design as an Electoral Responsiveness Mechanism”

Martin Søyland (University of Oslo)


14.50–15.10: Break


15.10–16.30: Session 4: Language and mark-up

Chair: Darja Fišer

“Qualitative Comparison of Native and Machine-Translated Parliamentary Debates”

Ajda Pretnar Žagar (Institute for Contemporary History)

“Creating and Validating a Latent Dirichlet Allocation Topic Model of Finnish Parliamentary Speech Data of 1980–2010”

Anna Kristiina Ristilä (University of Turku)

(cancelled “Semantic Speech-Act Resource Used in Parliamentary Data Analysis”

Jyrki Nummenmaa (Tampere University), Kirsi Sandberg (Tampere University), Mykola Andrushchenko (Tampere University), Aarne Ranta (University of Gothenburg), Timo Nummenmaa (Tampere University), Jani Marjanen (University of Helsinki), Jaakko Peltonen (Tampere University), Jussi Kurunmäki (Tampere University) Risto Turunen (Tampere University) 6 Mari Hatavara (Tampere University))

“Codifying the debates of the Riksdag: Towards a framework for semi-automatic annotation of Swedish Parliamentary discourse”

Mats Fridlund (University of Gothenburg), Daniel Brodén (University of Gothenburg), Leif-Jöran Olsson (University of Gothenburg), Magnus P. Ängsal (University of Gothenburg)



16.30: Closing words


Call for Papers (closed)

Recent years have seen the emergence of new digital parliamentary datasets that highlight multi-disciplinary opportunities and challenges in research. These new datasets have enabled researchers to engage in novel ways in exploring and studying parliamentary culture, media and politics, polemics and consensus, and other areas where parliamentary debates function as a lens on societal and cultural matters. At the same time, ongoing research projects have highlighted the limitations of these “first-generation” datasets in their scope, structure, and usability. This has led to demands on improvements regarding OCR-quality, metadata, markup processes, and transforming national datasets into uniform advanced data structures, such as Parla-CLARIN and Linked Data.

The accessibility of parliamentary data is a democratic issue and raises questions about how such datasets can be used to empower citizen participation and enhance the transparency of political work and decision making. Hence, curation and research of parliamentary records, as well as the development of new tools and user interfaces relevant for the parliamentary data are embedded in critical societal discussions, and bear consequences from both scholarly and citizen perspectives.

These developments have led to enhanced opportunities and challenges for research and development. The workshop therefore draws together scholars across different disciplines to explore and showcase results and ongoing work on creating, publishing, and using digital parliamentary data in Digital Humanities research and applications. The aim is to foster interaction between the scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and computational sciences.

Topics of Interest for the workshop include but are not limited to:

  • analysis of political discourse or concepts by using parliamentary data
  • comparative studies across gender, party, and geographical representation using parliamentary data
  • creation and annotation of parliamentary data in textual and/or spoken format
  • methods and tools for research and accessibility of parliamentary data
  • political network analysis using parliamentary data
  • parliamentary culture and parliamentary politics
  • parliamentary data compared with other types of political discourse
  • parliamentary data and multilingual studies
  • prosopographical approaches to parliaments and parliamentary data
  • querying and visualisation of parliamentary data
  • semantic processing and linked parliamentary data

 Submissions, Proceedings, and Workshop Participation

We solicit submissions in two forms: long papers (10–15 pages) and short papers (5–9 pages). The submissions will be peer-reviewed, and the accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop (online or hybrid) and submitted to for open, online publication. The layout of the papers should follow the one-column CEURART style whose templates are available in LaTeX/Overleaf, docx and odt formats at The contributions are submitted through the ConfTool conference management system:

At least one author of each paper needs to register to the DHNB 2022 conference in order to participate in the workshop. The workshop is open for all conference participants.

Important Dates

  • January 13: Deadline for submitting the papers
  • February 15: Notification of acceptance (peer-review results)
  • March 8: Submission of final revised papers, taking into account reviewers’ comments
  • March 15: The workshop takes place

Workshop Organizing Committee

Workshop Programme Committee

  • Eero Hyvönen, Aalto University and University of Helsinki (HELDIG), chair
  • Kaspar Beelen, The Alan Turing Institute
  • Kimmo Elo, University of Turku
  • Tomaž Erjavec, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
  • Darja Fišer, University of Ljubljana
  • Jo Guldi, Southern Methodist University
  • Laura Hollink, CWI Amsterdam
  • Pasi Ihalainen, University of Jyväskylä
  • Matti La Mela, Uppsala University and University of Helsinki (HELDIG)
  • Måns Magnusson, Uppsala University
  • Bruno Martins, University of Lisbon
  • Costanza Navarretta, University of Copenhagen
  • Fredrik Norén, Umeå University
  • Jouni Tuominen, University of Helsinki