Conference Proceedings Submission Instructions

How to Submit Your Paper – Camera-ready Version

Download the LaTeX Template for submissions to DHNB2023 Long Papers to CEUR Workshop Proceedings (

We ask that you revise your paper according to the reviewers’ suggestions.

You must use the CEUR workshop series template above. Your paper should not exceed 10–15 pages, excl. references, unless otherwise agreed to.

All necessary instructions for using the template are contained in the .zip file.

You write in the DHNB2023_template.tex file and the references.bib file (you may ignore the other files).

The template can be uploaded to Overleaf or edited locally in a LaTeX source file.

Upload the pdf of your paper to ConfTool (as an attachment to your submission) and the signed author agreement (pdf) by May 31st, 2023.
The proceedings’ editors are Annika Rockenberger, Sofie Gilbert and Juliane Tiemann.


15 March 2023 – Deadline for submission of full papers + signed author agreement

19 March 2023 – Extended deadline for submission of full papers

26 April 2023 – Deadline for reviews

16 May 2023 – Extended deadline for reviews

31 May 2023 – Deadline for submission of revised papers

June 2023 – Production and Publication of proceedings