The Annual General Assembly (AGM) will be held online on on Monday, May 31 at 5 pm CET. AGM agenda will be published on our website closer to the meeting.
News archive
The nomination committee of DHNB opens the call for nominations for three positions for the next election period which starts on 15 February 2021. Board members are elected for a 3-year period. The term of three of the current Board members, Koraljka Golub (Sweden), Annika Rockenberger (Norway), and Mikko Tolonen (Finland), runs out. Koraljka Golub […]
DHN 2020 posters are available at Please check out the posters and post your questions here. The poster authors will monitor the Q&A Google doc and answer your questions.

The General Meeting of DHN will be held online in connection with the DHN2020 conference. Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020 Time: 16.00–17.00 UTC+3 AGENDA Opening of the meeting Approval of the agenda Election of chair and secretary for the meeting Election of checkers, who also count votes Confirmation of correct notice of the GM Confirmation […]

DHN2020 workshops will take place in Zoom on October 20. All conference participants are welcome to register for participation. The schedule and information about the workshops is published here. Registration links are sent to all participants by email. If you haven’t received this information, please contact us:

Call for papers for the post-proceedings is published. The opportunity to publish the papers is given to all DHN2020 presenting authors. The deadline for submitting papers is 5 December 2020. Other details please see here. See for more information.

Day of DH is an initiative of centerNet – and this year’s event on April 29 will be mainly held on Twitter. The Call for Participation says: Day of DH 2020 will take place on April 29. This year, Digital Humanists are encouraged to communicate what they do on Twitter, what they are working on and […]

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, in consultation with the DH2020 Local Organizers and Program Committee, has decided to cancel this year’s in-person conference in Ottawa, which was scheduled for 19-25 July 2020. Please check for more details.
The second Baladria Summer School on Digital Humanities will be held in Zadar, Croatia from 15 to 19 June 2020. This year’s novelty is two tracks: 1) Digital tools and 2) Introduction to programming. Registration closes: 15 April Registration fee: 200 EUR BAL-ADRIA is a collaboration between countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, and countries surrounding […]
DHN2020 Preliminary Programme has been published (please note that the programme is still subject to change). Tuesday, 17/Mar/2020 09:00-17:00 – workshops Wednesday, 18/Mar/2020 09:00-17:40 – keynotes, long & short papers, 19:00-21:00 – reception Thursday, 19/Mar/2020 08:30-18:30 – keynotes, long & short papers & poster slam, AGM Friday, 20/Mar/2020 08:30-16:30 – keynotes, long & short papers, […]
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) seeks nominations for – Deputy Treasurer – Communications Officer – Infrastructure Committee Chair Nominations due 1 March 2020. Further information at ADHO is also seeking applicants for its two 2020 Communications Fellowships. Applications due 1 March 2020. Further information at Please note that officers and fellows […]
European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH)Second International Conference22-25 September 2020 Krasnoyarsk, Russia Hosted by the Siberian Federal University Call for Papers CFP: English, French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish (all language versions will be available soon at I. General Information The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) invites submission of proposals for its 2nd International […]

The Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) Board invites proposals to host the 2022 DHN Conference. Held four times since 2016, the DHN conference has become a fixed annual event in the DH calendar. After successful events in Oslo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, and Copenhagen, this year’s conference will take place in Riga on 17-20 March and […]

The annual General Meeting of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) is to be held in Riga in connection to the DHN conference 17-20 March 2020. Board members for the next election period will be elected before 10 March, and the nomination committee therefore opens the call for nominations. Board members are elected for a 3-year period. […]

The annual conference, “Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries,” invites submissions of proposals for its 5th conference to be held in Riga, Latvia, 17–20 March 2020. The DHN conferences aim to provide an overview of research, education and communication about the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities from the Nordic to the Baltic region, and beyond. Download pdf […]

We are pleased to announce that the DHN 2021 conference will be held in Uppsala, Sweden. The conference will be hosted by The Department of ALM, Uppsala University, in cooperation with Uppsala University Libraries and the research infrastructure project DH Uppsala. #DHN2021

We are pleased to announce that the DHN 2020 conference will be held in Latvia. The conference will be organised by the National Library of Latvia, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art (University of Latvia) and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Latvia). #DHN2020

The General Meeting of DHN will be held in Copenhagen in connection with the DHN2019 conference. Date: Thursday, March 7, 2019 Time: 17.00–18.00 CEST Place: University of Copenhagen, South Campus. Room 15A.0.13 AGENDA 1. Opening of the meeting2. Approval of the agenda3. Election of chair and secretary for the meeting4. Election of checkers, who […]
Call for Participation to the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2019 (DHN2019) conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, 6–8 March 2019 (pre-conference workshops and tutorials 5-6 morning) You are invited to participate to the 4th conference of the Association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and […]
READING CULTURE AND LIBRARIES IN CHANGE May 22-23, 2019, University of Turku, Finland, Sirkkala Campus Reading culture is changing rapidly today. Radical developments in use of time, values and attitudes towards reading in contemporary Western 24-h society as well as changes in book publishing and marketing have influenced our reading habits, which have been subject […]

DIGITAL HUMANITIES 2019: “COMPLEXITIES” – CALL FOR PAPERS WHEN: 9-12 July 2019 WHERE: Utrecht University (The Netherlands) TIMELINE: — Paper/Poster/Panel deadline: 11:59pm GMT 27 November 2018 — — Workshop/Tutorial deadline: 11:59pm GMT, 10 January 2019 — — Workshops: 8-9 July 2019 — MORE INFO: @DH2019_NL
— 31 OCTOBER 2018: deadline for submitting papers — 8 JANUARY 2019: paper acceptance notification. — 5 FEBRUARY 2019; submission of final version of accepted papers taking into account the comments made by the reviewers. Conference website:

— 30 SEPTEMBER 2018: deadline for submitting workshop/tutorial proposals — 15 OCTOBER 2018: acceptance of workshop/tutorials — 21 OCTOBER 2018: deadline for submitting papers — 8 JANUARY 2019: paper acceptance notification. — 5 FEBRUARY 2019; submission of final version of accepted papers taking into account the comments made by the reviewers. Conference website:

With the fourth DHN conference being prepared for 6-8 March 2019 in Copenhagen, the Board would like to invite DHN members and others interested in DH to submit proposals for hosting the 2020 and 2021 conferences. The DHN conferences in Oslo 2016, Gothenburg 2017 and Helsinki 2018 were great successes and the forthcoming one in […]

The Call for Papers for the DHN2019 is now open. The conference will be held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and will be organised by a consortium consisting of departments at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, The Royal Library and the research infrastructure project DIGHUMLAB. The DHN conferences aim to provide an overview of research, education […]

(Politics of) Digital Humanities in Eastern European Studies: Joint workshop of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe and the Aleksanteri Institute will take place in Helsinki, September 10-11, 2018. More information

The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) will hold its inaugural annual conference, on the theme “Data in Digital Humanities” at the National University of Ireland, Galway from 7-9 December 2018. I: GENERAL INFORMATION The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) invites submission of proposals for its first annual conference relating to the general theme of “Data […]

Data, humanities & language: tools & applications September 26-28, 2018 University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia The conference seeks to share knowledge and support co-operation in digital humanities in Estonia and internationally. This year the main focus is on methods, applications and tools for working with textual data and language. Additionally, contributions from all areas associated […]

The 1st EADH Congress, to be held in Galway, Ireland from 7-9 December 2018 is seeking proposal reviewers. The broad theme of the conference will be „Data in Digital Humanities”. This conference will implement the EADH multi-lingualism policy – that is, to foster multilingualism as an appreciation and recognition that our studies are closely tied […]