The annual general meeting of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) is to be held in Gothenburg 16 March 2017. Board members for the next election period will be elected and the nomination committee calls for nominations. See the satutes for more information. Every member of the association has the right to […]
News archive
Contentious Data: A one-day event on the Politics of Big Data for Activism University Theatre, University of Amsterdam, September 15, 2016 How do people resist corporate privacy intrusion and government surveillance by means of technical fixes? How does civil society take advantage of the possibilities for civic engagement, advocacy, and campaigning provided by the availability of […]
Call for Papers: EACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW) View on the web at The SRW will be held in conjunction with EACL 2017 in Valencia, Spain. Main conference: April 3-7, 2017 Paper Submission Deadline: November 23, 2016 I. General Invitation for Submissions The EACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW) provides a forum for […]
Vi ønsker velkommen til NNE-workshop på Nasjonalbiblioteket 13.–14. september! Årets NNE-workshop har to hovedtema. Prosjektet READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) utvikler funksjonalitet for automatisert håndskriftsgjenkjenning, såkalt HTR (Handwrittten Text Recognition), altså OCR for manuskripter, se, og søk etter nøkkelord i digitale bilder av manuskripter. Vi skal få høre om prosjektet og dets […]
The Digital Humanities Laboratory at the University of Warsaw is now welcoming submission of abstracts for the conference ‘Digital Humanities Centres: Experiences and Perspectives’. The conference will take place in Warsaw, 8-9th of December 2016. The keynote speakers will be Frédéric Kaplan, Gerhard Lauer, Jan Christoph Meister and Susan Schreibman. The conference will be an […]
The EADH brings together, and represents, the Digital Humanities in Europe. It includes the entire spectrum of disciplines that research, develop, and apply digital methods and technologies to the study of art, history, language, literature, music, archeology, etc. With the goal of gathering representative works and promoting access, we have created a slider on our […]
Lars Burman, Johan Svedjedal, Per Cullhed vid Uppsala universitet inform: Forum for Digital humanities intends to be a meeting place for researchers and practitioners in this vital area. Its purpose is to open for discussion and exchange of experiences, in the long run to seek to establish more stable organizational forms, to develop forms for […]