Students, researchers, and GLAM professionals are welcome to enroll in the Sixth Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities:  Large Language Models and Small Languages, which will be held on 22-26 July 2024 at the National Library of Latvia (NLL) in Riga and online. Register here: This year, participants will have the opportunity to learn […]

Registration for the BSSDH 2023 is open

Registration for the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities 2023 is open Students, researchers, and GLAM professionals are welcome to enrol in the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities: Discourse Analysis and Digital Literary Studies, which will be held on 25-28 July 2023 at the National Library of Latvia (NLL) and Online. The Baltic Summer School […]

DHNB2023 Workshops Published – Registration Open!

Workshops Published The DHNB 2023 Conference workshops have been published and are available to view on the DHNB2023 Conference workshops webpage. The Conference offers a mix of both in-person and online workshops, and a range of topics will be covered. To sign-up follow the instructions on the specific Conference’s page. The Program Committee and the […]

Submit On-site, Hybrid, or Online Workshops for DHNB2023

SUBMIT WORKSHOPS UNTIL 15 NOVEMBER! Workshops can be submitted for DHNB2023 until Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 23:59 CET. Submit abstracts via ConfTool, or send your proposal to Read the call for submissions for requirements and specifications. Workshops for you who want to have a local, in-person event adjacent to the virtual conference for you […]

DHN2019: Call for Participation

Call for Participation to the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2019 (DHN2019) conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, 6–8 March 2019 (pre-conference workshops and tutorials 5-6 morning)  You are invited to participate to the 4th conference of the Association of Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN) held at the University of Copenhagen March 6–8, 2019 and […]

(Politics of) Digital Humanities in Eastern European Studies: CfP

(Politics of) Digital Humanities in Eastern European Studies: Joint workshop of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe and the Aleksanteri Institute will take place in Helsinki, September 10-11, 2018. More information

CFP: Language Technology Resources and Tools for Digital Humanities

Workshop in conjunction with COLING 2016 Language resources are increasingly used not only in Language Technology (LT), but also in other subject fields, such as the digital humanities (DH) and in the field of education. Applying LT tools and data for such fields implies new perspectives on these resources regarding domain adaptation, interoperability, technical requirements, […]

CFP: EACL 2017 Student Research Workshop

Call for Papers: EACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW) View on the web at The SRW will be held in conjunction with EACL 2017 in Valencia, Spain. Main conference: April 3-7, 2017 Paper Submission Deadline: November 23, 2016 I. General Invitation for Submissions The EACL 2017 Student Research Workshop (SRW) provides a forum for […]

NNE-workshop i Oslo 13.–14. september 2016

Vi ønsker velkommen til NNE-workshop på Nasjonalbiblioteket 13.–14. september! Årets NNE-workshop har to hovedtema. Prosjektet READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) utvikler funksjonalitet for automatisert håndskriftsgjenkjenning, såkalt HTR (Handwrittten Text Recognition), altså OCR for manuskripter, se, og søk etter nøkkelord i digitale bilder av manuskripter. Vi skal få høre om prosjektet og dets […]