First Keynote Speaker is Maciej Eder who is the director of the Institute of Polish Language (Polish Academy of Sciences), chair of the Committee of Linguistics at the Polish Academy of Sciences, principal investigator of the project Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure, co-founder of the Computational Stylistics Group, and the main developer of the R package […]
News archive
I am pleased to announce the DHNB Annual General Members Meeting, to be held in conjunction with the DHNB2025 conference on March 6th, 2025, in Tartu and online. 18:00 – 19:00 Estonian time. The AGM will be a hybrid event; on-site and online participation is welcome! Agenda and supporting documents will be sent out to all members 2 weeks before the […]
The elections for the DHNB board will take place between 16 February – 1 March. Our aim is to keep the DHNB community open and inclusive, and to support this goal, we are now inviting candidates to stand in the board elections. Altogether four of the nine positions on the board are open to be […]

Students, researchers, and GLAM professionals are welcome to enroll in the Sixth Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities: Large Language Models and Small Languages, which will be held on 22-26 July 2024 at the National Library of Latvia (NLL) in Riga and online. Register here: This year, participants will have the opportunity to learn […]
We present with pleasure the programme for the DHNB conference in Reykjavík this May. See information about keynote speakers and the full programme here: Early bird registration is open until 6 May. Registration is through ConfTool:

We are delighted to announce the publication of DHNB Conference Proceedings, Volume 5, Number 1 (2023), within our newly established diamond open-access publication platform, Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications, abbreviated as DHNB Publications. The latest installment, DHNB Conference Proceedings, Volume 5, Number 1 (2023), comprises a collection of 25 articles. This […]

Registration for the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities 2023 is open Students, researchers, and GLAM professionals are welcome to enrol in the Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities: Discourse Analysis and Digital Literary Studies, which will be held on 25-28 July 2023 at the National Library of Latvia (NLL) and Online. The Baltic Summer School […]

Follow us on Mastodon! Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries is now also on Mastodon. What is Mastodon, you ask? Wikipedia says it “is free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services. It has microblogging features similar to Twitter, which are offered by a large number of independently run nodes“. DHNB has found its home on the Fedihum […]

Program Online We published the DHNB2023 conference program a while ago, but some smaller changes were necessary. You can check out the up-to-date program on our website or ConfTool. Build your Conference Agenda To build your personalised agenda, once you have registered for the conference, you can add the sessions you are interested in by […]

Keynotes have been confirmed for DHNB 2023. Check out more information on the Keynote speaker webpage! The events will be held on-site at the University of Oslo Library, the University of Bergen Library, and The Greenhouse at the University of Stavanger. All keynotes will also be live-streamed for online participants. Register for the DHNB2023 conference […]

The DHNB 2023 Conference is now open for registration. The Conference will be held online and will feature a variety of topics on our theme of Sustainability: Environment, Community, and Data in the digital humanities. Create an account and register on ConfTool to secure your spot! The Program Committee and the Organising Committee are working […]

Workshops Published The DHNB 2023 Conference workshops have been published and are available to view on the DHNB2023 Conference workshops webpage. The Conference offers a mix of both in-person and online workshops, and a range of topics will be covered. To sign-up follow the instructions on the specific Conference’s page. The Program Committee and the […]

Notifications Sent to Authors On December 15th, notifications were sent to all authors who submitted proposals to DHNB2023. We received 85 submissions for long papers, panels, show-and-tell presentations and workshops. All accepted proposals will be published in the Book of Abstracts. All authors of accepted proposals will also be invited to submit full papers for […]

DHNB – CALL FOR HOSTS The Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB) Board invites proposals to host the 2025 DHNB Conference. The DHNB conference has become a fixed annual event in the DH calendar. After successful events in Oslo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Copenhagen, virtually in Riga, and hybrid in Uppsala, our next DHNB conference […]

The Nomination Committee of DHNB opens the call for nominations for three positions for the next election period, which starts in April 2023. Board members are elected for three years (2023–2026). The term of three of the current Board members, Olga Holownia (Iceland), Lars Kjær (Denmark) and Costanza Navarretta (Denmark), runs out. Olga Holownia is […]

SUBMIT WORKSHOPS UNTIL 15 NOVEMBER! Workshops can be submitted for DHNB2023 until Tuesday, 15 November 2022, 23:59 CET. Submit abstracts via ConfTool, or send your proposal to Read the call for submissions for requirements and specifications. Workshops for you who want to have a local, in-person event adjacent to the virtual conference for you […]

ATTENTION! ATTENTION! By popular demand from our community, we have extended the deadline for submitting abstracts for your long papers, panels, show-and-tell presentations and workshops for the DHNB2023 online conference until Friday, October 21, 2022, 23:59 CEST. Submit abstracts via ConfTool, and see the call for submissions. Not sure about the format? Long Papers for you […]

DHNB 2022 PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED We are happy to inform you that the DHNB 2022 proceedings are now published on CEUR. You can find volume ‘3232’ here: We think it is an excellent collection of research that represents both the fruitful conference we had in March and the richness of the status of Digital Humanities […]

DHNB2023 ConfTool Opened You can now submit your long papers, panels, show-and-tell presentations as well as workshops to the DHNB2023 conference! Create an account on ConfTool and submit your contribution! The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2022. If you have ideas for other kinds of presentations or contributions to the conference, please contact

Join us for our second Virtual Coffee Hour on Thursday, 29 September, 2022: 12-13 UTC / 14-15 CEST. Registration: AGENDA Welcome and DHNB updates New board DHNB 2023 Communication platforms Presentations Andrius Utka, Associate Professor, Vytautas Magnus University, Mapping DH activities in Lithuania Max Odsbjerg Pedersen, Information Specialist, Aarhus University Library | The Royal […]

The 7th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB2023) will be online from 8–10 March 2023. DHNB conferences focus on research, education and communication in the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities in the Nordic and Baltic regions and beyond. DHNB2023 explores the many facets of Sustainability in the Digital Humanities with a […]

The next DHNB conference will be held online on 08.-10. March, 2023. The conference with the theme “Sustainability: Environment – Community – Data” is organized in collaboration between the University of Oslo, the University of Bergen, and the University of Stavanger. The CfP with more information in the theme will follow soon.

#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. #ScienceForUkraine’s mission is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international level for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to an academic institution in Ukraine. On the initiative’s website: […]

The Nomination Committee of DHNB opens the call for nominations for five positions for the next election period which starts on 15 February 2022. Board members are normally elected for a 3-year period, and three positions are open for the period 2022-2025. In addition, one position is open for the period 2022-2024, and one position for the […]

Join us for our first Virtual Coffee Hour on Thursday, 9 December, 2021: 12:00-13:00 CET. Registration: AGENDA Welcome and DHNB updates (10 minutes) Institutional membership Working groups DHNB 2022 Presentations (10 minutes / presentation + 5 minutes Q&A) Eiríkur Smári Sigurðarson, Director of Research, School of Humanities, University of Iceland: Icelandic Centre for Digital […]

DHNB introduces a new type of members aimed at institutions. Benefits: Information about affiliates and their activities will be promoted on the DHNB website and through other DHNB communication platforms Affiliates will be promoted as the DHNB conference supporters The DHNB annual conference fees will be reduced for two representatives of the Affiliate Institution As […]

DHNB 2023 & 2024: CALL FOR HOST The Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DHNB) Board invites proposals to host the 2023 and 2024 DHNB Conferences. Held five times since 2016, our conference has become a fixed annual event in the DH calendar. After successful events in Oslo, Gothenburg, Helsinki, Copenhagen, and virtually in […]

Post-Proceedings of the 5th Conference Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries (DHN 2020) are published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings. It is an open-access publication service where already four volumes of DHN conference proceedings have been published. DHN2020 Post-Proceedings contain 26 papers presented in an online conference in Riga/Zoom in October 2020. Editors: Sanita Reinsone (Institute […]
The 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022) will be held at Uppsala University, in Sweden, on 15–18 March 2022. DHNB conferences focus on research, education and communication in the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities in the Nordic and Baltic regions and beyond. DHNB 2022 highlights the two way relationship between digital humanities […]
We are pleased to announce the results of the DHNB Board Election. Three nominated candidates Annika Rockenberger (Norway), Mikko Tolonen (Finland), and Andres Karjus (Estonia) have been elected to serve on the DHNB Board for the period 2021–2024 starting from 10 March 2021 (full nomination statements and bios attached). The 2021 Board consist of nine […]